Special Needs Ministry
We support and encourage the inclusion of people with disabilities and special needs in the life and work of the church, including worship services, Sunday School for children & youth, Wednesday Connection for adults, and special events for families affected by disability.
Our goal is to reach out to people on an individual basis, striving to work with each person and his or her family/caregivers to find the best fit for both growing in faith and for exercising spiritual gifts.
Ways to Get Support
One-on-one buddies are available for children and students with disabilities in each Sunday school classroom. If you would like a buddy for your child, please contact our team.
His Works is a class for adults with cognitive disabilities. The group meets on Wednesdays at 6:50pm September–May. If you would like more information about this class, please contact our team!
Our team offers individuals help with personal direction and counsel for assimilation into The North Church.
A respite event is an evening of fun with games, a craft and a lesson for children and adults with disabilities and their siblings while parents take some time away to connect or have a night free from caring for their children.
Is serving with individuals with special needs close to your heart? We would love to talk with you more about opportunities we have within this ministry at The North Church! For more information, contact us below.
Questions? We would love to help!
Aaron Rothermel
Pastor for Children & Families
Claire Olson
Special Needs Ministry Coordinator