Safeguarding Our Children

“I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and will execute justice for the needy” (Psalm 140:12).

Our ambition as a church is to “tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done” (Psalm 78:4). We desire our church to be a place of safety and blessing for children (birth to age 18), where they can grow, form friendships, and learn to experience and share the love of Christ. Yet in a fallen world we cannot assume that “inside” the church is safe. Therefore, we must protect our children—in every aspect of our life together—from threats like false doctrine as well as harm and abuse. While we cannot guarantee that harm will never happen to children at The North Church, we are committed to taking reasonable steps to reduce risk and protect them. Our desire is to cultivate a culture not of fear, but one that is proactive and protective, prioritizing our children’s wellbeing. You can learn more below about the ways our leadership seeks to safeguard our children and find ways that you can join us in this important work.

Our Commitment to
Protecting Our Children

Things We Do:

  • We screen and vet all who serve on our ministry teams to protect the vulnerable.

  • We train our ministry teams to be on the alert for problematic behaviors and situations as an important part of creating a “proactive and protective culture.”

  • We regularly review our policies and practices to ensure we are up to date and compliant with the best practices for child and youth protection.

Your Role In Protecting Our Children (Join Us):

Be Alert

“See something, say something.” Don’t hesitate to bring a concern or question about our children’s safety to any on our leadership team.

Get Trained

Watch Training Video 1 & Video 2 to understand more about the threat of child abuse, our church’s slogan - “Never alone with a child” and how you can respond to concerns.

Know Our Policy

Request our Child Protection Policy here.