Small Group Leader ApplicationIf you are married, you and your spouse must both complete an application. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Birthdate * Marital Status * Single Married Separated/Divorced Widowed Have you ever been a part of a small group before? * - Yes No If yes, how would you describe your experience? Have you ever led a group before? * - Yes No Are you currently in a group? * - Yes No If yes, what is the name of your small group leader? Are you currently serving or leading in another area at The North Church? * - Yes No If so, please explain. Are you a member at The North Church? * - Yes No Pursuing Membership How many years have you been attending The North Church? * Do you agree with The North Church's Elder Affirmation of Faith? * - Yes No or not fully I need to read further If no, please explain. What do you consider to be your personal strengths? * What do you consider to be your personal weaknesses? * What do you believe will be the biggest obstacles to your being an effective leader? * Why do you want to be a group leader? Please list two references. They should be people who have done ministry with you but are not related to you. * Who have been your primary Christian teachers or influences? * What is the Gospel? * What do you believe to be the primary purposes for small groups? * What is your initial vision for what your small group might look like? (It's ok if you don't know fully). * Do you have any questions for us? If so, please explain. Do we have permission to share your responses with your references and current small group leader? - Yes No Thank you!