Making Our Mothering Significant

Mothers of all ages are welcome to join us for MOMS, where our theme for the coming year will be Steadfast—Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Motherhood is a good gift from the Lord. It is both sweet and sanctifying, cherished and challenging. Often we find ourselves in the midst of storms — winds of cultural pressures, shifting waves of circumstances, and the changing temperature of emotions within our own homes can tempt us towards fear, anger, and despair. How are we to stand firm and be steadfast as mothers in such conditions? Christ is our sure and steady foundation, and in his strength we get to display his steadfastness to our children. When we live in light of the gospel, with our feet firmly planted on Christ our rock, all we do can be done in the Lord. Please join us this year as we strive for steadfastness in the Lord and encourage one another in our mothering. 

MOMS meets twice each month, September through May, usually the first and third weeks of each month. There are two schedule options:

  • Monday evenings, 7–9pm, through May 6
    (No childcare available for Monday evening MOMS)

  • Tuesday mornings, 9:30–11:30am, through May 7
    (Childcare is available at a modest cost for Tuesday morning MOMS but must be reserved in advance, as space is limited. Contact Maggie Sporleder to inquire about availability.)

Register here for either Monday or Tuesday MOMS.

At each MOMS meeting we hear a message aimed to help us grow in the Lord in a variety of areas, from discipling our children, growing our marriages, showing hospitality, and more. Each gathering also allows us to connect with other moms in small table groups so we can encourage and support each other throughout the year. Detailed schedule and speaker information is available below.

  • We offer wonderful care on Tuesday mornings for children ranging in age from infants to homeschoolers. Space is limited, so please endeavor to find your own childcare if possible. This opens up space and allows those who have no other childcare options to attend MOMS. If you are unable to secure childcare with family or friends, please contact Maggie Sporleder to inquire about availability.

    The cost for the Winter/Spring semester is $35 for one child, $56 for two, and $70 for 3 or more. We do not, however, want cost to keep anyone from attending MOMS. Contact Beth Nordquist if you would like scholarship information.

    All moms with children in the program will be asked to serve one time during the year. The childcare coordinator will contact you to arrange a date for you to serve.

  • 9/18, 9/19—Fall Kickoff
    We invite you to come and connect with other moms as we kick off the 2023-24 MOMS year by enjoying a time of reconnecting, sweet fellowship, and food.

    10/2, 10/3—Steadfast: The Lord is Your Keeper
    Charisse Compton
    Though instability abounds in our world, in our families, and even in our own hearts, there is one who never changes. He is the Lord, and he declares himself “your keeper.” Using Psalm 121 as a foundation, Charisse Compton will share how the Lord has steadied and “kept” her through many changes, making her abound in his good work.

    10/16, 10/17—Missions, Ministry, and Motherhood
    Carmen Tomaszewski
    From serving on the mission field of South Africa to serving as the Nursery Coordinator and Reception at The North Church, God's steadfastness has been evident throughout all the seasons of motherhood and ministry in Carmen’s life. Hear her share her experiences of walking with the Lord and be inspired to go deeper into how He might have you minister right where you are.

    11/6, 11/7—Turning From Fear to Love
    Kïrsten Christianson
    Fear can trip us in so many ways: fear of being left out, fear that we are wrecking our kids, fear that our sin is more powerful than Christ’s blood… “God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound/self-controlled mind” (2 Timothy 1:7) Let’s look at how fearing the Lord helps us to fear not and instead “do all things in love” (1 Corinthians 16:14).

    11/20, 11/21—Making Room for Her (Mother/Daughter-in-law Relationships)
    Speaker: Barbara Reaoch
    With the Bible as our foundation, we'll explore how the Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law relationship can thrive even in the midst of difficulty.

    12/4, 12/5—Steadfastness and the Goodness of Christ in Family Life
    Speaker: Catherine Hoffman
    Come hear Catherine encourage our hearts to see the goodness of Christ in the journey of motherhood.

    1/22, 1/23—Share the Feast: Teaching Your Children to Delight in God’s Word
    Jenni Naselli
    In Deuteronomy 6, God tells parents, "These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. …" But how do we do this in 21st century America? Come listen and learn as we discuss practical tips for teaching children the overarching story of God's Word, helping them to delight in the Gospel, hide God's Word in their heart, and understand His Word.

    2/5, 2/6—Marriage: Joy in the Journey
    Speakers: Keith & Lori Eveland
    Seeing the steadfastness of God when the journey is hard.

    2/19, 2/20—The Anxiety Trap
    Speaker: Carol McCormick
    Are worry and anxiety your frequent companions? Do you feel guilty about being anxious so often? Do you worry about how well you are raising your child? Do you get anxious about your child’s anxiety? After almost seven decades of battling anxiety, raising a couple of anxious kids, and 10 years of serving as a biblical counselor, Carol will share what the Lord has taught her through her own and others’ journeys with anxiety.

    3/4, 3/5—MOMS Testimonies

    3/18, 3/19—Floral Workshop
    Speakers: Jocelyn Rognlin & Beka Hemken of Wild Glory Floral
    Design a beautiful floral arrangement with Wild Glory Floral as they walk us through each step of a simple arrangement, pointing us to the maker and sustainer of all things!

    “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” Luke 12:27

    4/8, 4/9—From My Youth
    Speaker: Ben Katterson
    “Tween Age” Pastor Ben will share about discipling late youth/early teens and how to connect with them.

    4/22, 4/23—Habits of Humility
    Speaker: Heidi Brazis
    Patterns of daily living for loving and respecting your husband with humility.

    5/6, 5/7—Spring Tea
    Come celebrate another year together. This last meeting is a delightful time of fellowship, food, and treasured friends.

  • To hear messages from previous MOMS meetings, visit The North Church Women podcast!