Global Focus 2024:
Missions On the Mediterranean – On the Road with the Apostle Paul

  • Families for the Nations

    Wednesday, October 30, 4:45-8pm

    Join us as we explore an interactive, family-friendly exhibit and theatrical presentation. A meal will be served in the gym starting at 4:45pm, exhibits will open at 5:15pm, and the program in the sanctuary will begin at 7:15.

  • Stories From the Field

    Saturday, November 2, 10am, Chapel

    All members are encouraged to attend and hear about what God is doing around the world through some of our Global Partners! Just as Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch and gathered the church together to "report all the things that God had done with them" (Acts 14:26-27), we want to gather our church together to hear how God has been working among the nations through our Global Partners.

  • Missions Exploration

    Sunday, November 3, 12:30pm, Room A204

    Do you sense the Lord stirring your heart toward missions? Join us for lunch as we conclude Global Focus so we can meet you and share time together thinking about going to the nations.

  • Rope Holders (Upholding Global Partners)

    Monday, October 28, 7pm, Room A200

    Join this gathering of women as we seek to “hold the ropes” for those sent out for the sake of the name of Jesus, bringing their needs to God in prayer.

  • College/Young Adult Missions Night

    Tuesday, November 5, 7pm, Dunn Brothers

    All college students and young adults (age 18–30) are invited to join this gathering as we consider our participation in God’s redemptive plan for the nations. This event will take place off-site at the Dunn Brothers in Arden Hills.